North Wales Police, Fire and Rescue

Company: North Wales Police, Fire and Rescue Services

Contract: Planned Preventative Maintenance and 24hr/365 days

Emergency: Cover for Boilers, Heating Systems, Air-Conditioning

Scope: All North Wales Police, Fire and Rescue Buildings

Value: £357,000+

North Wales Police, Fire and Rescue Services cover an area of 2,400 square miles and employ approximately 3,450 people operating from 36 Police and 47 Fire and Rescue Stations. Since 2007, Fletchers’ Technical Services Department has looked after all preventative and call-out maintenance for boilers, heating systems, air-conditioning, ventilation and plumbing for the Police, with the Fire and Rescue Services coming on board in 2010.

The Contract is administered by a Contract-dedicated team that plans the day-to-day activities of the fully-skilled, mobile workforce in response to Customer calls and planned visits.

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